Binocular Universe

by Chuck February 1, 2013

Astronomy Observation Record


Date: 2-1-2013 Time: 8:30 p.m. Location: Brambly Hill
Instrument: SeaBowld 10x50 Aperture: 50mm Focal length:
Eyepiece/Magnification: 10
Transparency: Seeing:
Conditions: Cold, clouds came up in a hurry.


Object Notes


The Cloudy Nights Binocular Universe suggested this object. I identified the Winter Triangle with no problems -- Sirius & Betelgeuse are old friends; Procyon was -- dare I say -- blindingly obvious. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a firm fix on M50 before the clouds rolled in. Zoomed in might be a better description. At one point I saw what might have been a blur with two stars as described, but I could never find it again.


Orion's nebula was quite clear tonight. Areas of nebulosity were visible between pairs of stars. The most striking feature weer a bright pair of stars at the top of the nebula, another bright pair halfway down, and then two more at the tip. The central bright points were the bright star-forming regions -- at least that's what it looks like when I compare what I saw to pictures.

M45 Pliedes

To my old eyes the Pliedes are a bright blur, but resolve into the Seven Sisters as soon as binoculars are brought to bear. The glow form the Sisters on the nearby dust is evident even to the naked eye, and readily apparent in binoculars, but I don't see any appreciable color to the glow.


With binoculars I was only able to resolve one of Jupiter's moons tonight, though three should have been visible. The planet was easily outshining both the Pliedes and Aldebaran.


This cluster caught my eye as I looked toward Jupiter. It was an impressive sight in binoculars -- I'm sure that a telescope would cut off too much of the cluster to make it better.


Backyard Astronomy

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